Baby diaper is the cloth which wraps baby's body or spreads on cribs and uses for collecting urine. Babies from birth to be able to toilet themselves, baby diapers are always accompanying with them, they are almost the second layer of skin.
The varieties of baby diaper on the market are more and more with the development of living standards. The baby diaper can be divided into cloth baby diaper and paper baby diaper. Among all kinds of baby diapers, cotton baby diaper has the longest history. The special characteristics of pure cotton-comfortable and breathability are the advantages of cotton baby diaper. The price of cotton baby diaper is lower and can be reused, but it is inconvenient to carry and clean. On the other hand, paper baby diaper is convenient to carry and doesn't need cleaning. While it is easily to cause skin irritation or diaper rash, so the baby who has skin allergies must replaced the diaper frequently.
Baby diaper needs change and laundering frequently, and needs insolation. Without the timely replacement of diapers, in the case of wet, baby skin is more easily stimulated by urine or residual detergent. The function of laundering is significantly, it can wash away the residual urine and other pollutants, but also play a role of disinfection. The insolation is to disinfect the baby diaper by ultraviolet; it is much better than airing and stove.